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Definition of API (Application Programming Interface)

A set of functions and procedures that allow the creation of applications which access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other service.

What is API (Application Programming Interface)?

Think of an API, or Application Programming Interface, as a waiter in a restaurant. Just like how you tell a waiter what you want to eat and they bring your order to the kitchen, an API takes requests from one piece of software and delivers them to another. It's like a messenger that allows different software applications to talk to each other and exchange information. For example, when you use a weather app on your phone, the app uses an API to request weather data from a remote server. The API gets this data and brings it back to your app, which then shows you the weather forecast. APIs are essential because they let different software programs work together smoothly, sharing data and features. This allows developers to create complex applications that can access a wide range of functionalities, like pulling data from a database or interacting with other software services.
