Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) is an agile framework designed to extend the principles and practices of Scrum to larger organizations working on complex projects. It is built on the foundation of Scrum, focusing on simplicity, transparency, and empirical process control while addressing the challenges of scaling Scrum beyond single teams.

Key features of Large Scale Scrum


LeSS enables multiple teams to work together on a single product, accommodating the needs of large organizations with complex projects.


It emphasizes simplicity in its structure and practices, avoiding unnecessary complexity to ensure clarity and ease of adoption.

Empirical process control

LeSS promotes an empirical approach to decision-making based on transparency, inspection, and adaptation, allowing teams to continuously improve.

Large Scale Scrum and organizational agility

By adopting LeSS, organizations can become more responsive to change, fostering a culture of adaptability and innovation.

Cross-functional teams

LeSS encourages the formation of cross-functional teams composed of members with diverse skills necessary to deliver valuable increments of work.


LeSS framework

LeSS provides a set of guidelines and principles for scaling Scrum, offering two main frameworks: LeSS and LeSS Huge, depending on the size and complexity of the organization.

Roles and responsibilities

LeSS defines clear roles and responsibilities, including Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team, ensuring alignment and accountability across teams.

Events and artifacts

Similar to Scrum, LeSS includes key events such as Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective, as well as artifacts like Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Increment.

Continuous improvement

LeSS encourages a culture of continuous improvement through retrospectives, where teams reflect on their processes and practices to identify areas for enhancement.

Large Scale Scrum with training and support

Organizations transitioning to LeSS often provide training and support to teams and stakeholders to facilitate understanding and adoption of the framework.

Benefits of Larg Scale Scrum

Increased collaboration

LeSS fosters collaboration among teams, promoting shared goals and alignment towards delivering value to customers.

Improved product quality

By focusing on simplicity and transparency, LeSS helps teams deliver high-quality products that meet customer needs and expectations.

Large Scale Scrum, flexibility, and adaptability

LeSS enables organizations to respond quickly to changing market conditions and customer feedback, allowing for greater flexibility and adaptability.

Enhanced transparency

With its emphasis on transparency and empirical process control, LeSS provides visibility into the progress of work, facilitating informed decision-making at all levels of the organization.

Example usage of Large Scale Scrum

A large software development company adopted LeSS to scale its agile practices across multiple teams working on a complex project. By implementing LeSS, the organization improved collaboration, shortened time-to-market, and delivered higher-quality products that better met customer needs.