Opcode caching is a technique used to improve the performance of script-based languages, such as PHP, by storing the compiled operation codes (opcodes) of scripts in memory. This eliminates the need for the script to be parsed and compiled on every execution, significantly speeding up the execution process.

Key concepts


  • Definition: An opcode is a low-level instruction in the machine code that a computer's CPU can execute. In the context of scripting languages, opcodes are the compiled version of the source code.
  • Function: When a script runs, the interpreter parses the code into a series of opcodes, which the CPU then executes.


  • Process: The script is translated from human-readable code to machine-executable opcodes.
  • Performance impact: Without opcode caching, this compilation process occurs every time the script runs, which can be time-consuming.


  • Mechanism: OC stores the compiled opcodes in memory after the initial compilation. Subsequent executions of the script bypass the parsing and compiling stages, retrieving the opcodes directly from the cache.
  • Benefits: This reduces CPU load and increases the script's execution speed.

How it works

When a script is requested for the first time, the interpreter parses the source code and compiles it into opcodes. These opcodes are then executed by the CPU, and the compiled opcodes are stored in the cache. For any subsequent requests, the interpreter checks the cache. If the opcodes are found, they are fetched from the cache and executed, skipping the parsing and compiling steps. If the script has been modified, it is recompiled, and the cache is updated.


Opcode caching reduces script execution time by skipping repetitive parsing and compiling, enhancing overall performance. It decreases server load, allowing more requests to be handled simultaneously, which improves efficiency. Additionally, by optimizing resource usage, opcode caching enhances the scalability of web applications.

Common implementations

  • PHP Opcache: A widely used OC extension for PHP. It is bundled with PHP since version 5.5 and is highly recommended for production environments.
  • APC (Alternative PHP Cache): Another opcode caching extension for PHP, known for its simplicity and effectiveness.
  • XCache: An opcode cache that supports both PHP 5 and PHP 7, known for its high performance and extensive feature set.


Ensuring that the cache is correctly invalidated when scripts are updated is crucial to prevent stale code from being executed. Opcode caching uses additional memory to store the compiled opcodes, so adequate memory allocation is necessary to avoid performance degradation. It is also important to verify that the OC solution is compatible with the specific version and configuration of the scripting language being used.


Opcode caching is a crucial optimization technique for script-based applications, offering significant performance gains by reducing the overhead associated with repetitive code compilation. Proper implementation and management of opcode caching can lead to more responsive and scalable web applications, providing a better experience for end-users.