The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a structured methodology designed to help organizations effectively scale agile practices across multiple teams and departments. It provides a framework for coordinating and aligning work across large enterprises, enabling them to deliver value to customers faster and more efficiently.

Key components of Scaled Agile Framework

Agile principles

SAFe has its roots in agile principles, emphasizing collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement.

Three levels of SAFe

  • Team level. Individual teams work on specific tasks using agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban.
  • Program level. Multiple teams coordinate their efforts within a specific program, facilitated by program increment (PI) planning.
  • Portfolio level. Aligns strategic goals and resources across multiple programs to ensure that the organization's overall objectives are met.

Roles and responsibilities

SAFe defines clear roles and responsibilities at each level, including Product Owners, Scrum Masters, Release Train Engineers (RTEs), and others, to ensure effective communication and accountability.

Value streams

SAFe organizes work around value streams, which represent the series of steps required to deliver value to the end customer. This helps in identifying and eliminating inefficiencies in the delivery process.

SAFe and the continuous delivery pipeline

SAFe emphasizes the importance of a continuous delivery pipeline, which enables organizations to deliver high-quality software rapidly and reliably.



AFe provides a scalable framework that can be adapted to suit the needs of both small teams and large enterprises.


By aligning the efforts of multiple teams and departments, SAFe ensures that everyone is working towards common objectives, thereby improving efficiency and reducing conflicts.

SAFe and faster time to market (TTM)

By streamlining processes and promoting continuous delivery, SAFe helps organizations deliver value to customers more quickly and respond rapidly to changing market demands.

Improved quality

SAFe promotes a culture of continuous improvement, leading to higher-quality products and services through frequent feedback and iteration.

Criticism of SAFe


Some critics argue that SAFe's extensive framework can be overly complex, particularly for smaller organizations or teams.


In some cases, adhering too strictly to SAFe's guidelines can lead to rigidity, stifling creativity and innovation.

The Scaled Agile Framework and dependency management

Managing dependencies between teams and across different levels of the organization can be challenging and may require significant coordination.


The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) provides a comprehensive framework for organizations seeking to scale agile practices across their entire enterprise. While it offers numerous benefits in terms of scalability, alignment, and efficiency, it also presents challenges related to complexity and dependency management. Organizations must carefully evaluate whether SAFe is the right fit for their needs and adapt it accordingly to achieve the desired outcomes.