
Have you ever found yourself scrolling endlessly through a blog, only to realize you’ve missed some of its best content? Imagine if the most insightful, entertaining, or essential posts were highlighted for you right from the start. This is the magic of featured posts. By spotlighting select pieces, bloggers can ensure their audience sees the most valuable content first, while readers enjoy a curated experience without the hassle of sifting through an entire archive. Featured posts are like a blog’s greatest hits album, showcasing the top tracks that keep visitors coming back for more. In this post, we’ll delve into the world of featured posts, exploring their many benefits, the criteria for choosing which posts to feature, and best practices for displaying them effectively.

So, as already being said, featured posts are selected blog articles or content pieces that are given prominence on a website. These posts are highlighted by the blogger or website administrator to draw special attention to them. Featuring a post often involves showcasing it in a distinct section of the site, such as the homepage, a dedicated featured posts section, or through visual elements like larger thumbnails or standout typography.


The primary role of featured posts in a blog's content strategy is multifaceted:

  1. Highlight quality content: By featuring posts, bloggers can direct visitors to their best or most important content, ensuring that high-quality articles receive the attention they deserve.

  2. Guide user navigation: Featured posts act as a navigation tool, helping users quickly find valuable content without having to sift through all the blog entries.

  3. Promote specific messages: Whether it’s a seasonal post, a trending topic, or a key message, featuring posts allows bloggers to promote content that aligns with their current goals or themes.

  4. Enhance engagement: By showcasing engaging and relevant posts, bloggers can increase the time users spend on the site, boost interaction, and encourage return visits.


Different types of featured posts can serve various strategic purposes:

Posts that have received the most traffic or engagement. These could be highlighted to show what’s trending or to leverage social proof to attract new readers.

  • Example: "Top 10 travel destinations of 2023."

2. Editor's pick

Handpicked by the blog’s editor or author, these posts reflect the best content or the most relevant articles based on the blog’s current focus.

  • Example: "Our guide to sustainable living."

3. Seasonal highlights

Timely posts related to seasons, holidays, or specific time-bound events. Featuring these posts can keep the content relevant and engaging.

  • Example: "5 easy summer recipes to try this year."

4. Tutorials and guides

In-depth posts that provide valuable how-to information or comprehensive guides. These posts can be featured to help readers solve problems or learn something new.

  • Example: "Beginner’s guide to digital photography."

5. Evergreen content

Timeless posts that remain relevant and useful regardless of the publication date. Featuring these posts ensures that they continue to provide value over time.

  • Example: "Effective time management strategies for busy professionals."

By strategically selecting and featuring different types of posts, bloggers can enhance the user experience, promote their best content, and achieve specific goals within their content strategy.

Enhanced visibility

Featuring posts prominently on your blog can significantly increase their visibility. When a post is highlighted as a featured post, it is more likely to catch the reader's eye due to its prominent placement, often on the homepage or in a dedicated section. This increased visibility can lead to higher click-through rates, as visitors are naturally drawn to the content you deem most important or relevant. For instance, a post featured at the top of your homepage or within a slider widget stands out from the rest of your content, making it more likely that readers will engage with it.

Improved user experience

Featured posts enhance the user experience by helping readers quickly find high-quality or important content. In a sea of blog entries, featured posts act as a curated selection, guiding readers to what you consider the best or most essential information. This not only saves readers time but also ensures they encounter your most impactful content. For example, a new visitor to your blog might be overwhelmed by the number of posts available, but a featured section showcasing top articles can help them navigate your content more efficiently and effectively.

SEO advantages

Featured posts can also offer significant SEO benefits. By driving more traffic to specific articles, these posts can gain more views, likes, shares, and comments, all of which are positive signals to search engines. Higher engagement metrics can improve the post's search engine rankings, making it more likely to appear in search results. Additionally, featured posts often receive more internal links from other parts of your blog, which further boosts their SEO value. For example, a well-placed featured post can attract backlinks and social media shares, enhancing its authority and relevance in the eyes of search engines.

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Engagement boosts

Highlighting certain posts as featured can lead to an increase in user engagement. Readers are more likely to interact with content that is prominently displayed and endorsed by the blog. Featured posts often receive more comments, social shares, and time spent on the page, as they are perceived as more valuable or interesting. This increased engagement can create a positive feedback loop, where popular content continues to attract more attention and interaction. For instance, a featured post that resonates with your audience can spark discussions, encourage readers to explore more of your content, and foster a sense of community around your blog.

By leveraging the benefits of featured posts, you can enhance the overall performance of your blog, improve reader satisfaction, and achieve better SEO results. Featuring the right posts not only highlights your best content but also strategically drives traffic and engagement, contributing to the long-term success of your blog.

How to choose posts to feature

Choosing the right posts to feature on your blog is crucial for maximizing engagement and ensuring that your audience finds valuable content quickly. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to select the best posts to highlight:

Criteria for selection

1. Traffic statistics

  • High traffic: Posts that consistently receive a high volume of traffic are likely to be valuable to your readers. Featuring these can attract even more visitors.
  • Page views: Look at the number of page views to determine which posts are most popular.
  • Engagement metrics: Consider the time spent on the page and bounce rate to identify content that truly engages your audience.

2. Relevance

  • Current trends: Feature posts that are aligned with current trends or recent events in your niche. This keeps your content timely and interesting.
  • Seasonal content: Highlight posts that are relevant to the current season, holidays, or significant events.

3. Timeliness

  • Recent posts: Feature new and fresh content to keep your audience up-to-date with the latest information.

  • Updated content: Posts that have been recently updated with new information or insights should be featured to reflect the most current knowledge.

4. Quality

  • Depth of content: Choose in-depth, well-researched posts that provide comprehensive insights and valuable information.
  • Visual appeal: Posts with high-quality images, videos, and other multimedia elements tend to be more engaging.

Data-driven decisions

1. Use analytics tools

  • Google Analytics: Utilize Google Analytics to track which posts are performing well. Look at metrics such as the already-mentioned page views, average session duration, and user behavior flow.
  • Heatmaps: Tools like Hotjar or Crazy Egg can show where users are clicking and scrolling, indicating which content captures their interest.

2. User feedback

  • Comments and shares: Posts with high levels of comments and social shares are likely to resonate well with your audience.
  • Surveys and polls: Conduct surveys or polls to ask your readers directly which types of content they find most valuable.

3. Social media insights

  • Engagement rates: Monitor the engagement rates on your social media posts to see which blog content is getting the most likes, shares, and comments.
  • Referral traffic: Check which posts are driving the most traffic from social media platforms to your blog.

Balancing content types

1. Evergreen content

  • Timeless value: Feature posts that remain relevant regardless of when they are read. These could be how-to guides, tutorials, or fundamental concepts in your niche.
  • Ongoing interest: Evergreen content often generates consistent traffic over time, making it a reliable choice for featuring.
  • Current relevance: Highlight posts that cover hot topics or recent news. This can drive a spike in traffic and engagement.
  • Timely updates: Ensure that trending content is regularly updated to maintain its relevance.

3. In-depth analysis

  • Comprehensive guides: Feature long-form content that provides detailed analysis, case studies, or step-by-step guides. This type of content is highly valuable for readers looking for in-depth knowledge.
  • Expert opinions: Include posts that feature expert interviews or insights, offering unique perspectives and authoritative information.

4. Variety

  • Mix of formats: Feature a variety of content formats, such as blog posts, videos, infographics, and podcasts. This caters to different audience preferences and keeps your blog dynamic.
  • Different topics: Ensure a balanced mix of topics to appeal to a broad spectrum of readers within your niche.

By following these guidelines, you can strategically select and feature posts that will captivate your audience, drive more traffic, and enhance the overall user experience on your blog.

Best practices for featuring posts

Placement on the site

The placement of featured posts is crucial for maximizing their visibility and impact. One of the most effective ways to ensure they get noticed is by featuring posts on the homepage. This is often the first page visitors see, so highlighting key content here can drive significant traffic. Additionally, adding featured posts to the sidebar allows them to be visible on multiple pages throughout your site, keeping important content in view as users navigate different sections of your blog. Including featured posts at the end of your blog entries can also capture the attention of readers who have finished an article and are looking for more related content. Finally, creating a dedicated section on your blog specifically for featured posts, either as a separate page or a prominent area on your homepage, makes it easy for readers to find highlighted content.

Visual elements

Visual elements play a key role in making your featured posts stand out. High-quality images can draw attention and make your featured posts more appealing. Using compelling visuals that represent the content of the post entices readers to click. Crafting eye-catching headers is essential as well, using bold fonts, contrasting colors, and concise, engaging text to make your headers stand out. Providing brief excerpts or summaries of the featured posts gives readers a glimpse of the content, helping them decide if they want to read the full post. Additionally, using design elements like borders, shadows, or background colors can differentiate featured posts from regular content, creating a visual distinction that helps catch the reader's eye.

Regular updates

Regularly updating your featured posts is important to keep the content fresh and relevant. Updating your featured posts at least once a month, or more often if your blog produces a high volume of content, ensures that the highlighted posts remain current and interesting to your audience. Ensuring that the posts you feature are timely and relevant to your audience's interests is crucial. This might include seasonal content, trending topics, or recent posts that have performed well. Rotating different types of content in your featured section, including a mix of evergreen content, recent articles, and high-performing older posts, provides variety and maintains reader interest.

Call-to-action (CTA)

Including a call-to-action (CTA) in your featured posts can drive further engagement and achieve specific goals. Encouraging readers to subscribe to your newsletter for regular updates and exclusive content with a prominent CTA can help grow your email list. Directing readers to related posts or categories on your blog can increase page views and keep readers engaged with your content. Adding buttons for sharing the post on social media platforms helps increase the visibility of your featured content and attract new readers. Finally, inviting readers to leave comments or provide feedback on the featured post fosters community engagement and provides valuable insights.

Tools and plugins for featuring posts

One of the most effective ways to manage and showcase featured posts on your blog is by using the right tools and plugins. Whether you're using WordPress, another content management system (CMS), or managing your blog manually, there are plenty of options to help you highlight your best content. In this chapter, we will explore popular plugins for WordPress, tools for other CMS platforms, and manual methods for featuring posts.

WordPress plugins

1. Jetpack by

  • Features: Jetpack offers a range of features, including site security, performance improvements, and content tools. Its "Featured Content" module allows you to select posts or pages to be displayed prominently on your homepage or other widget areas.
  • Usage: You can easily choose which posts to feature by adding a specific tag to them. Jetpack will automatically display these posts in designated areas of your theme.
  • Advantages: Simple to use, with a variety of additional features that enhance your site's functionality and performance.

2. Elementor

  • Features: Elementor is a powerful page builder plugin that includes a variety of widgets and design elements. It allows you to create custom layouts for your featured posts.
  • Usage: With Elementor, you can design your own sections to display featured posts by using drag-and-drop functionality. The "Posts" widget can be configured to showcase specific posts based on categories, tags, or custom queries.
  • Advantages: Highly customizable and user-friendly, with a visual editor that requires no coding skills.

3. Featured Post Manager

  • Features: This plugin is specifically designed to manage featured posts. It allows you to mark any post as featured and provides options to display them in various sections of your site.

  • Usage: Simply mark the desired posts as featured within the post editor. You can then use shortcodes or widgets to display these posts in different areas of your site.

  • Advantages: Focused on featured posts, making it straightforward and efficient for this specific purpose.
  • Features: This plugin not only allows you to feature posts but also to display them in a visually appealing slider format.
  • Usage: After installing the plugin, you can select which posts to feature and choose to display them in a slider on your homepage or other pages.
  • Advantages: Combines the functionality of featuring posts with an attractive slider presentation, enhancing user engagement.

Other CMS tools

1. Drupal - Views Module

  • Features: The Views module in Drupal is a powerful tool for creating, managing, and displaying lists of content. It can be used to feature specific posts.
  • Usage: Create a new view and set filters to display content based on criteria such as tags, categories, or publication date. Configure the view to be displayed in a block or page.
  • Advantages: Extremely flexible and powerful, suitable for complex content management needs.

2. Joomla - K2

  • Features: K2 is a popular content construction kit for Joomla that enhances content management capabilities. It allows you to create custom views for featured posts.
  • Usage: Install K2 and use its item management interface to mark articles as featured. These items can then be displayed in various layouts and positions.
  • Advantages: It provides extensive customization options and integrates seamlessly with Joomla.

3. Ghost - Dynamic Routing

  • Usage: Define routes in your Ghost configuration file to display posts tagged as featured on your homepage or other sections of your site.
  • Advantages: Simple and powerful routing capabilities, allowing for flexible content display.

Manual methods

1. HTML and CSS

  • Usage: If you are comfortable with coding, you can manually feature posts by editing your site's HTML and CSS. Create a section in your template where featured posts will be displayed and style them accordingly.
  • Steps:
  1. Identify the posts you want to feature.
  2. Edit your theme's HTML to include these posts in a designated section.
  3. Use CSS to style the featured section to make it stand out.
  • Advantages: Complete control over the appearance and behavior of featured posts without relying on plugins or external tools.

2. JavaScript Widgets

  • Usage: Use JavaScript to dynamically feature posts. This can be particularly useful if you want to add interactive elements such as sliders or carousels.
  • Steps:
  1. Write JavaScript to fetch and display featured posts.
  2. Integrate the script into your website's HTML.
  3. Style the output using CSS for a polished look.
  • Advantages: Adds interactivity and enhances user experience with dynamic content display.

3. CMS-specific customization

  • Usage: Most CMS platforms offer some level of customization through their admin interfaces. Use built-in features to highlight posts manually.

  • Steps:
  1. Use the CMS's tagging or categorization system to mark posts as featured.
  2. Modify the template or use widgets/modules to display these posts in prominent areas.
  • Advantages: Utilizes existing CMS functionality, reducing the need for additional plugins or coding.

By using these tools and methods, you can effectively manage and display featured posts on your blog, ensuring that your most important content gets the attention it deserves. Whether you prefer using plugins, built-in CMS tools, or manual customization, there are solutions available to suit your needs and technical expertise.

Common mistakes to avoid

Featured posts can be a powerful tool for engaging your audience, but there are common pitfalls that can diminish their effectiveness. Here are some mistakes to avoid:


Having too many featured posts can overwhelm visitors and dilute the impact of each featured item. It's important to strike a balance and only highlight the most relevant and high-quality content. Consider rotating featured posts periodically to keep your content fresh and avoid overcrowding your homepage or sidebar.

Irrelevant content

One of the key purposes of featured posts is to showcase content that resonates with your audience. Featuring posts that don't align with the current interests or needs of your readers can lead to decreased engagement and a disconnect between your content and your audience's expectations. Regularly review and update your featured posts to ensure they reflect your audience's interests and preferences.

Neglecting updates

Featured posts should not be static. It's essential to regularly update and refresh your featured content to keep it relevant and timely. Outdated featured posts can give the impression of neglect and may deter visitors from exploring further content on your blog. Set a schedule for reviewing and updating featured posts based on new content, trends, and changes in your audience's preferences.


In this blog post, we explored the powerful role that featured posts can play in enhancing your blog's engagement and user experience. We started by defining what featured posts are and why they are important for your blog's content strategy. We then discussed the benefits of using featured posts, such as increased visibility, improved user experience, and SEO advantages. Effectively using featured posts involves a strategic approach to selecting and showcasing your best content. By carefully choosing which posts to feature based on criteria like relevance, quality, and timeliness, you can ensure that your audience receives the most valuable and engaging content. Remember to update your featured posts regularly to keep your blog fresh and interesting. We'd love to hear from you! Have you used featured posts on your blog? What strategies have worked best for you? Let's continue the conversation and learn from each other's successes and challenges!